General information

QualiCont Nonprofit Kft. is an independent and impartial Hungarian External Quality Assessment (EQA) Provider.

Our Company organised its first surveys in June 1997, so by now it has been supporting the work carried out by in vitro diagnostic measuring sites for almost 30 years by organising wide range of tests of proficiency surveys that also meet the requirements of ISO 15189 standard in order to maintain and improve the quality of professional work achieving increasing patient safety and a high level of health protection by making healthcare diagnostics more reliable.

The proficiency tests organised by QualiCont are internationally well-known and acknowledged schemes with approximately 4000 international participants thanks to the Distributors.

QualiCont sets the EQA schemes and prices on an annual basis, but there is also an opportunity to apply during the year.

QualiCont was founded in 1996 by five scientific societies which retain ownership to this day:

- Hungarian Society of Laboratory Medicine,
- Hungarian Society for Microbiology,
- Hungarian Society of Pathology,
- Hungarian Society for Immunology,
- Hungarian Society of Haematology and Transfusion.


Our Company has been certified since 2011 according to the ISO 9001 standard.
Audited activities: Planning, organization and management of proficiency testing (external quality assessment) and the related supporting services for in vitro medical diagnostic laboratories and investigators on other human and veterinary medicine.
The certification document is available on our website.


QualiCont Nonprofit Kft. is a Proficiency Testing Provider accredited by NAH (National Accreditation Authority) under registration number NAH-8-0002/2023. According to MSZ EN ISO/IEC standard 17043:2010, QualiCont received the accredited status in 2014. As of today, 63 of its proficiency testing schemes have accredited status. All such schemes are accompanied by the letter (A) in related documentation.

More than 90% of the measured parameters are provided accredited, the scope of accreditation is constantly being expanded.
Both the Accreditation Certificate and the Detailed scope of Accreditation are available on the QualiCont website, as well as on the NAH website:

From 2023 QualiCont provides its accredited proficiency tests ensuring the option of flexible accreditation, which makes much easier to manage and implement changes to meet demands.
In practice, this means that within one accreditation cycle (5 years) it is possible to introduce, for example, the measurement of the same parameter in a new matrix or to introduce a new parameter in the same matrix and measurement principle without having to repeat the accreditation procedure.
Feel free to contact us with your requirements!


You can receive technical and professional assistance regarding the implementation of proficiency testing by

Further professional assistenace is possible as follows:


QualiCont Kft. has been a member